A Vision of Peace


Piece by Peace, LLC is a vision dedicated to the peaceful unity of Cannabis and Compliance through Metrc, the State's Track and Trace system. We empower the future of the cannabis industry by educating and aiding businesses, as well as individuals, with accurate and up-to-date information regarding Metrc's use within the regulatory compliant framework.

We support the States choosing to partner with Metrc's Track and Trace System as we understand how the laws and regulations, and their enforcement, help maintain a safe, well-regulated, and fairly operating market for medical patients and recreational users.

Knowledge is power. Piece by Peace is empowerment.

This is our passion, our craft. Our giving back to Cannabis.

Our background comes from years of data management among varying business types, hands-on experience implementing and managing Metrc's Track and Trace system, setting up newly found licensees' accounts, and training staff; all while complying with set regulations through every Piece along the way.

Error-free data reporting is achievable through appropriate training, developing, and adhering to tailored SOPs. Our approach will uncover the benefits of Metrc's compliant and efficient use and the insights it offers, for individuals and businesses, to excel in the cannabis industry.



As the world shifts views, Cannabis is under the spotlight as a natural healing alternative.

This is a critical moment in time and history that requires a careful approach and coordination between the visionaries and the regulators of the newly accepted cannabis industry.

We believe in this ancient and healing plant, and believe that it is only through a safe, well regulated market, and measurable data operations, that this plant will prove itself to have an added value to our wellbeing.


Peace for Metrc. A controversial and powerful statement for a powerful tool.

The legal cannabis community responded to the State's ruling to use Metrc as the regulatory cannabis system with resistance.

The rapid implementation and enforcement of Metrc flooded the industry with false information, causing a fearful approach towards what has proven to be a valuable business development tool.


Metrc is not the law and the law is not Metrc. A critical distinction for Compliance.

With Metrc's implementation, confusion hit the market regarding what was lawful versus what was allowed by Metrc's system.

Metrc, is the track and trace reporting system for legal cannabis; and the law, is the manual to operate the system compliantly in the cannabis industry.


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